Ready to Win

Ready to Win

When most people read the title of this confession, they will probably assume I’m referring to track and field. The truth of the matter is, “Ready to Win” is my daily mindset and a phrase I use to conquer each day. If we were always in “Ready to Win” mode, we would look at each task in life […]

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It amazes me when people tell me they are passionate about something but they take no action to achieve that thing. It also amazes me when they speak of all the things they DON’T want—seemingly unaware that the universe is receiving it the same as it receives our requests and prayers for what we DO […]

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“The Success is in the Preparation”

“The Success is in the Preparation”

Before every magical story is revealed to the world, before every overnight success becomes coveted by all, there is often pain, adversity, struggle, conflict, and pressure. Our understanding of faith in a higher being and believing that consistent hard work pays off is usually all we have to hang on to when we have a […]

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